Some examples using GaNPower’s GaN HEMTs LTSPICE models. Please note that the model files such as the .lib and .asy files need to be placed in corresponding LTSPICE installation folders before using the simulation file (.asc file). For detailed information, please refer to Analog Devices’ video instructions such as this or text instructions here
GaNPowerICTM application SPICE circuit models
Simulation and Application for 1200V GaNFET
Modeling PFC Converter Usin g 1200V GaNPower devices
Using LTSpice simulator, Boost PFC and totem Pole PFC can be designed using GaNPower 1200V GaNFET.
Circuit implementation takes feedbacks from output voltage and inductor current in a form easy to implement using op-amp or digitally controlled using the tanh() function.
LTSpice model files can be downloaded here while an application note can be found here.